The Quote:

Since the purpose of kitsch is to please the greatest possible number of people, it always plays on the most common denominators.

— Tomáš Kulka, author

Terms and conditions for Membership

By registering and using the services provided by World Wide Kitsch (WWK) at, you hereby agree to the following:
These written general terms and conditions and The philosophy of Kitsch.
You also agree that you will act in accordance with these as a member of the WWK community.
These terms and conditions and The philosophy of Kitsch are subject to change and may be added to, or revised without notice.

Collected personal information

WWK collects personal information to set up and manage accounts for members at You have provided us, and accept to share personal information such as: name, gender, e-mail addresses and passwords.

    WWK uses such information for:
  • Providing you with a better service
  • Protecting you from identity theft
  • Internal record keeping
  • Subsequent informative mailing or E-mailing

Applying for membership

To fulfill your registration, you must agree to submit three of yours works for the evaluation of your application - to become a member. Works uploaded must be either paintings, drawings or sculptures.
Submitted works must be your own. Uploading and submitting other people’s work, is prohibited, and will alter the evaluation of your application and membership.
The administration of World Wide Kitsch (WWK) has the right to accept or reject your application, based on the information and works you have provided.
Since the administration of WWK believes in the kitsch human’s ability to develop and improve technique and pathos in their work - we encourage rejected applicants to subsequently re-apply their membership with new works and/or updated information.

Membership acceptance

Upon an acceptance of your WWK - membership application, you agree to let us hold back your submitted works for approval for an indefinite period of time.
Certain works might be permanently removed due to terms for uploaded works.

Membership agreement

As a member, or becoming one, at, you agree to:

  • Correctly provide your personal information, such as addresses, names, and phone numbers etc.
  • Upload your own work only, hence never to upload other people’s work.
  • Only upload paintings, drawings or sculptures.
  • Do not upload works of yours that would be irrelevant, including works of art (According to the philosophy of kitsch), or pornographical images as such (if you paint like Anders Zorn it is ok!).
  • Only flag other members in the WWK community who are clearly not qualified in terms of the values of kitsch or who have violated the general terms and conditions.
  • Never to steal or misuse other members’ identities.
  • Avoid offensive behavior towards other members, which includes posting personal threats or condescending comments - through articles, comment fields etc.

To violate these rules may cause your application for a membership at WWK to be rejected. It may also result in the removal of uploaded or published content and/or a deactivation of membership at WWK, temporarily or permanently. This may include ALL your activity on the site.
The administration of World Wide Kitsch (WWK), has every right to alter, remove and reattribute your posts and published content to the correct users.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding these terms, please E-mail us at