Ali Saad

Member sinceOctober 16, 2018



As we all know that Nature, unremittingly presents to us objects, shapes and sights in multifarious colours and postures like those in the kaleidoscope, I took some of them that caught my attention to render them artistically. I was one mind with Wordsworth to claim that “the meanest flower that blows can give me thoughts too deep for tears”. Alas! one life time is not enough for an artist to render these shapes and object, at once bizarre and mysterious, into beauty. But strange, that anything rendered in art becomes a source of eternal joy for a man.

The technique and principles I follow are of the Masters of the Baroque period like Rembrandt and Rubens. To me things, which are considered commonplace or dull to the public, seem to carry special significance for me. On my part, with profound and intelligent play of light and shade, simple yet beautiful compositions worked with bold but sensitive brush strokes always rendered great results.

Favorite painter/sculptor:
World Wide Kitsch