Accepting Entries to the WWK Competition 2018
By World Wide Kitsch

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The Quote:

In paradise there would be no kitsch. The eye of the theologian sees the soil of kitsch in the consequences of the original sin.

— Richard Egenter, philosopher

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World Wide Kitsch is hosting its fourth annual painting competition online and are now accepting submissions.

To enter the contest you need to e-mail us your submission to Please put “Competition” in the email’s subject and provide us details about your work, such as a title and image dimensions, as well as your name.

Those who reach the final round will receive an account at and be added as members of the World Wide Kitsch Community.

Entries are accepted 15th through 31st October.

One simple requirement:

  • Submitted work must be completed in 2017/18.


There are two categories in the WWK Annual Competition: People’s Choice and Jury’s Choice.
People’s Choice Award will be decided as a selected group of paintings go up on our facebook page, where the submission that receives the most reactions before November 15th at 8am (CET) is declared the winner.


1st place in the People’s Choice Award will receive a $350 certificate from VASARI Oil Colors. 1st place in the Jury’s Choice Award will receive a $250 certificate for painting materials and a medal locket of the symbolic kitsch butterfly. 2nd and 3rd place will receive a $50 certificate for painting materials from Blick art materials.

The book Kitsch More Than Art (2011) by Odd Nerdrum et al. will be rewarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in Jury’s Choice Award.

Sebastian Salvo, Li Dong, and Luke Hillestad.

The Jury

The jurors for the competition this year are three very talented classical figurative painters from three different continents.

First off is Sebastian Salvo, a Chilean painter who studied with Odd Nerdrum and  won the WWK Competition’s Jury Choice Award in 2015 with his “Self Portrait with Dyspnea.” He is also a member of the Selection Committee at

The second juror is Li Dong. He was formally trained at Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in Shenyang and has painted murals for public buildings and hotels in China. Dong won the WWK Competition’s Jury Choice Award in 2017 for his “Black Shadow.”

Luke Hillestad is the third juror. He lives and works in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the United States of America. In 2008 he studied with Odd Nerdrum and he is today a member of the WWK Selection Committee.
